Hi, my name is Ian.
I'm a full-stack developer.
Recent Project

Nossa is the largest gaming & e-sports community in Indonesia based on membership & rewards with the aim of providing various benefits for its loyal members. This website is built using Laravel 10 on the backend and Vue.js 3 on the frontend.

Artopologi is a marketplace for art lovers who want to find and get various types of works based on your desires and needs. All artworks sold on Artopologi are original works by an artist with a digital certificate of authenticity built on blockchain-based NFT. This website is built using Next.js with Express as the backend.

Artopologi Blog
This is a blog platform owned by Artopologi featuring articles and resources related to the world of art and creative industries. It provides insights, inspiration, and updates on various topics within the arts, including modern art trends, techniques, and stories from artists and creatives, catering to both art enthusiasts and professionals.

Portofolio Page
This is a repository of my portofolio page of using Next.js for personal use only. The site is forked from the incredible Tailwind-Nextjs-Starter-Blog by Tim Lrx.
My Certificate

Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript
Dicoding Indonesia
Issued Dec 2022 · Expires Dec 2022
This class is intended for individuals who want to step into becoming a Web Developer/Back-end developer using Node.js technology using industry competency standards validated by AWS. By the end of the class, students will be able to master the basics of JavaScript for web application development using Node.Js.

Belajar Back-End Pemula dengan JavaScript
Dicoding Indonesia
Issued Dec 2022 · Expires Dec 2022
This class is intended for individuals who want to step into becoming a Back-End Developer with AWS's international competency standards. At the end of the class, students will be able to create a simple RESTful API independently to support the functionality of an application.

Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Java
Dicoding Indonesia
Issued Jan 2023 · Expires Jan 2023
This class is intended for beginners who want to learn the basics of Java programming with reference to industry standards. At the end of the class, students will be able to create Java programs using the Intellij Idea IDE or Online IDEs such as Glot.io or Replit.

Alibaba Cloud Certified Developers - 1
Alibaba Cloud
Issued Jul 2024 · Expires Jul 2024
This class introduces how to install MySQL on an ECS instance configured with CentOS, and perform common MySQL operations, and use basic SQL statements.